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Software Solutions For Fitness, Nutrition, Diet, Weight Loss, Personal Wellness, & Health
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CookBookPlus In The News

Also See User Testimonials Below

02/09/2005: Press Release - From Calvert County, Maryland Department of Economic Development
"Local Software Entrepreneur Offers Novel Approach to Weight Management for Children and Families"











03/28/2005: CookBookPlus featured in the Calvert Recorder!    Use This Link For A Larger Version Of The Article

CookBookPlus Testimonials

"CookBookPlus” is a valuable tool to any Registered Dietitians’ practice; to enhance not only the patients nutrition knowledge, but to assist them in compliance issues using state of the art software.  Love this product!
Valerie L. Peters, MS, RD, LD in Dublin, GA    Click Here For Web Site

"Just wanted to let you know I just put all my user info into your program and just put in my first 2 recipes. All I can say after just putting in 2 recipes I am hooked. I can't wait to see how the exercise and nutritional chart will work. This is more than I have ever hoped for in the program. Thanks for a great program."
C. W. In Illinois

"If you’re serious about losing weight or just staying in shape, CookBookPlus is an excellent way to keep track of your progress.  I love to cook, and CookBookPlus helps me prepare healthy, sensible meals and balance my fat-carbohydrate-protein intake. It also has made me more aware of how my choices affect my body."
Michelle from Wisconsin

"It is really easy for college students to gain a lot of weight with simple snacking while studying and sacrificing exercise time to work on school. I find, as a college student, that CookBookPlus helps me manage my caloric intake despite my busy schedule. Even when I don't have time to run to the gym, I can still manage my weight by using CookBookPlus, and the best part is it is easy and fast!"
Nicole in Wisconsin

"As a part time “on-line” college student, I currently have to work 12 hour overnight shifts and it is difficult for me to eat all my meals at home.  I have to buy many of them from take-out establishments.  CookBookPlus really helps me stay conscious of how nutritious something is to eat.   This software really makes it easy for me to avoid consuming too much greasy fast food.  I like to use the Internet-based version so I can enter my meals from both home and work."
Simpson from California

"You just have to love the CookBookPlus approach to weight management!  I was able to lose 55 pounds in 18 months while continuing to enjoy my normal diet!   I've easily kept the weight off for 20 years.  And it only takes about 3 minutes a day to log my meals and exercises.  I am often asked if I still use it all the time now that I am in pretty good shape.  The answer is yes.   I do this because it works for me; and because I can also use my records to help in testing our products.  I've recorded virtually everything I've eaten and every one of my exercises since the mid 1980's.  For the past year, I've been using our web version exclusively to log all my actual meal data.  Each night I use its web data export function to email myself the current day's records as an XML attachment.  I then use the desktop version's import function to effortlessly add those records to my desktop program.  FYI, my desktop version currently contains almost 3,600 meal records going back to late 2000.   There would be a lot more but I periodically delete them.  I find it interesting to use the Nutrition History Reports to view my nutrition outcome over the years."
Bob Jones President CookBookPlus

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