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Software Solutions For Fitness, Nutrition, Diet, Weight Loss, Personal Wellness, & Health
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CookBookPlus Products Overview

Screen Shots:   CookBookPlus Desktop     CookBookPlus On The Web

Info Videos:       CookBookPlus Desktop 2016    CookBookPlus On The Web 2016    Browse Our Other Videos    

What is it?

CookBookPlus is a full featured, database driven, "personal nutrition accounting" software program.  Available in  desktop and web based formats, CookBookPlus includes user friendly tools for tracking calories consumed in meals and snacks, logging exercises and associated workout calories, working with ingredients, and creating and nutritionally managing your favorite recipes.   Compelling Nutrition History Reports and Charts provide valuable insight into the consequences of actual eating and exercise habits.  The USDA Food Values Database in also included for use in researching nutrient details.

CookBookPlus employs stunning and powerful color coded visual cues throughout, for real time nutrition outcome, feedback, status, and guidance.   CookBookPlus' focus is on "net daily calories: calories consumed minus calories burned off by exercise or other strenuous activity.  And the CookBookPlus Nutrition History Reports really "tell it all", where "net daily calories" are dramatically compared to predicted basal metabolic rate (BMR), and an estimated weight gain or loss is presented.  Current body mass index (BMI) is also shown.  Furthermore, our exclusive..........

“Healthy Factor” Icons Provide Single Point Visual Guidance
 Making Nutritional Goals Easy To Achieve!

<= 30% Fat

> 30% And <= 35% Fat

>35% And <= 45% Fat

> 45% Fat

Individual Recipe And Meal Ingredients Are Color Coded To Indicate The % Calories From Fat (Desktop Only)

Many Desktop Form And Web Page Text Boxes Are Also Color Coded To Provide Extra Focus For Key Nutritional Values

CookBookPlus is fast, fun, and very easy to use.  Both the desktop and web versions have been optimized to enable a user to track their daily nutrition habits with a minimum of time and effort.  Both versions also offer a similar look, feel,  and functionality.  All forms and pages are user friendly, straight forward, and easy to understand.  A full compliment of "Flash Theater" instructional videos are included, and provide complete "soup to nuts" program help and guidance.


What does it let you do?

  • Recipes
    • Create, save, and print your favorite recipes, using over a thousand pre-defined food item ingredients; add, change, or modify your ingredients anytime as needed.
    • Organize your recipes by author, category, number served, and portion size.
    • Easily itemize details on ingredients used; with plenty of space for specific, detailed preparation instructions.
    • Search and view your recipes by name, category, or specific ingredient used.
    • Print out your recipes (both desktop and web versions); create a page numbered table of contents (desktop only).
    • Automatically calculate the nutritional content of any recipe; results shown are for both the total recipe and on a per serving basis; shows calories and grams derived from fat, carbohydrate, & protein; presents instant snapshot of percent calories derived from fat; calculations are accomplished in real time as recipe line item ingredients are entered; “Healthy Factor Feedback” icons provide real-time, stimulating, graphical indication of recipe’s nutritional balance based upon percent of calories derived from fat.
    • Easily modify your recipe’s ingredients to achieve a desired nutritional balance; change the number served, and portion size as needed to reach a desired nutritional goal.
    • Research nutrient values with the included USDA Food Values Database; includes nutritional information on over 6,000 food items; easily create customized food item ingredients from the USDA database.
    • Turn commonly used recipes into reusable “meal item” ingredients; these ingredients can be subsequently updated to reflect recipe updates or modifications
  • Meals
    • Quickly and easily record your daily meals and snacks by listing the individual items consumed; system automatically calculates nutritional information; provides graphical “healthy factor feedback”; data entry is identical to that for recipes.
    • For the days that you record all meals and snacks consumed, you can also view and/or print a daily calories snapshot report with full nutritional detail; and you can even generate reports and charts  that depict your total calories and % fat consumed over a specified period of time.
    • You can use the “ingredients” created from your favorite recipes or meals to minimize meal logging data entry; makes recording commonly consumed meals simple and easy.
  • Exercises
    • Log your exercise workouts and generate instant feedback on the total calories burned.
    • Three, easy to use forms make logging your exercises a snap: Bicycling, Running, and Other Exercises.
    • You can also create printable Exercise Reports (desktop only).
  • Nutrition History Reports And Charts
    • Generate “net daily calories” snapshot reports summarizing, for any specified day, the number of calories consumed, the number of calories burned off by exercise or other strenuous physical activity, and the number of calories you are over or under your target daily BMR.  A "Healthy Factor Icon" will indicate the percent fat for the day.  An estimate for daily weight gain or loss, and current BMI is also presented.
    • Generate "nutrition history" reports and charts that depict your "net" nutritional outcome over any specified period of time.  These reports and charts include period averages for total calories consumed, calories burned off by exercises, and "net daily calories" as compared to your target daily BMR.   A "Healthy Factor Icon" will indicate the percent fat for the period.  Estimated period weight gain or loss is also presented.  These reports and charts dramatically show the net effect of your actual eating and exercise habits.

      The images that appear on this page are of less quality than those in CookBookPlus
      due to size and readability constraints on the website.

      CookBookPlus Desktop 2008 Screen Shots

      Intuitive, User Friendly Forms Make Data Entry a Snap!

      Typical Recipe (form view)
                                                                                                                                               Better Picture

      The Same, Familiar Form, Is Used To Enter Both Recipes And Meals

      Typical Logged Meal (Form View)
                                                                                                                                 Better Picture

      Click Button On The Main Form To Get A Snapshot Of Your Net Daily Nutrition And Exercise Outcome As Compared Against Your Current Target BMR.  Also Shows Your Current BMI And An Estimate For Daily Weight Gain Or Loss!

      Typical Daily Calories Snapshot Summary
                                                                                                                 Better Picture

      View Recipes, A Table Of Contents, Any Individual Meal;
      Reports Are Easily Printed

      Typical Recipe Report (Meal Report Has Identical Format)
                      Better Picture

      Typical Table Of Contents
                                                                            Better Picture

      Produce A Printable Daily Report Of You Detailed Nutritional Outcome.  Both Meal And Exercise Calories Are Itemized!

      Typical Daily Calories Report                                                                    Better Picture

      Do Your Favorite Exercise; Log It;
      Get Immediate “Calories Burned” Feedback

      Typical Bicycling Log

      Typical Running Log

      Typical Other Exercise Log

      Click Button On The Main Menu Or Main Form To See Overall Nutrition And Exercise Results Over TimeThis Report Includes Trend Lines For Net Daily Calories And Exercise Calories, Plus Your Current Target BMR, BMI, And Period Averages.  Also Includes Estimate For Weight Gain Or Loss.

      Typical Nutrition History Report                                                                                                                              Better Picture

      Track Total Calories And % Calories Derived From Fats As Consumed Over Time.  Report Also Includes Trend Lines!

      Change Eating Habits And Exercise Durations To Reach Your Target Daily BMR Goal.

      Typical Total Calories And % Fats Report                                                                                                             Better Picture

      Produce Printable Exercise Reports With Details And Calories Burned During Workouts

      Track Your Progress For Any Specified Time Period.  Helps You Stay Focused On Your Fitness Goals.

      Typical Biking Exercise Report                                                                                                                                Better Picture

      CookBookPlus On The Web Screen Shots

      Intuitive, User Friendly Main Form Page Makes Data Entry a Snap!

      Typical Recipe Page                                                                                                                                                    Better Picture

      The Same Familiar Page Is Used To Enter Both Recipes And Meals

      Typical Meal Page                                                                                                                                                       Better Picture

      Daily Calories Snapshot Provides Vital Feedback
      On Any Day's Up-To-The-Moment Nutrition Status

      Typical Daily Calories Snapshot Chart                                                                                                                                Better Picture

      Click Button On The Main Form Page To View Your Daily Calories Report Snapshot.  See Net Daily Nutrition And Exercise Outcome Compared Against Current Target BMR.  Also Shows Current BMI And An Estimate For Daily Weight Gain Or Loss!

      Typical Daily Calories Report Page                                                                                                                       Better Picture

      Click Button On The Daily Calories Report Page To See Overall Nutrition And Exercise Results Over Time This Report Includes Your Current Period Averages And An Estimate For Period Weight Gain Or Loss.

      Typical Nutrition History Report                                                                                                                              Better Picture

      Click Button On Daily Calories Report Page To Access Forms To Log Your Exercises.  Get Immediate Feedback On Calories Burned.

      Typical Exercise Logs (Composite Image)                                                                                                           Better Picture

      Click Button On The Nutrition History Report Page To View Your Nutrition History ChartChart Includes Total Calories, Exercise Calories,
      Net Daily Calories, Period Averages, And Target Daily BMR.

      Typical Nutrition History Chart                                                                                                                                 Better Picture


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